Wednesday, April 2, 2008

positive affirmation, how it happened

Today is your best day, Saby!You are healthy!You are happy!You are a great man!I believe in you!
- Krystyna
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 12:03:37 -0700

To: krystyna
to day is my best day
i am healthy
i am healthy
i am healthy
- Saby

I understand you!But try to cure yourself.One of my suggestion is affirmation: I am healthy /xxxxI am healthy/xxxx Today is my best day/xxxx I make a good decision etc, you know what you need;
- Krystyna

1 comment:

krystyna said...

Strong Will follows strong Desire.

If you really want to do a thing very much--you can usually develop the Will-Power to accomplish it.